Classes and the River Stadium

 On Thursday, all of us went to out first ever classes at Colegio del Salvador. Being from America, the overall environment was quite different than classes in BC High. Here, the students don’t change classes like we do, but instead they stay in one class and different teachers come in. Also, it was weird to hear the teacher being called by their first names since I’m so used to using their last names.

Later that day, we all went to visit the enormous River Stadium. We got a nice private tour and learned about all the  history of the stadium and the soccer team. Then we actually got to go inside of it, but it was a but nerve racking because at some points I thought I was gonna fall since there weren’t any railings to hold onto.

Friday was a day that we all dressed up in out nice clothes and we started off the day with a pledge of the Argentinian flag. After that we all had a special art class where we had to draw our host brothers without looking at the paper or lifting our pencils. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think mine might have been the best. Then we went to another class where we compared the government of Argentina and the government of the United States. To my surprise, they aren’t that different.


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